Wednesday, May 29, 2013


I love orienteering, so I couldn't wait to find out if this year Van would be old enough to enjoy it as well.

I'd say it was a success. We invited Laura and Anna to come along, we were an orienteering team. Afterwards we played in the water; it was almost 80 today, ridiculously warm and beautiful.

I'm not sure if it was rewarding enough for him that he wouldn't have rather been just wandering in the woods for an hour, but it was fun enough that I think we'll take him again.

This is halfway through, I had him take off his shirt because he was so hot. I probably should have tried harder to talk him out of those boots.

Anna in her sundress and sun hat

this picture makes me laugh

Getting distracted by a hole

hiking down the trail

We found one!

punching the checkpoint

Getting closer to the end

found another one

Finally some snacks at the end. Well done team.

 Esther posing with the map

The crew

(I made the mistake of telling Van we could go play in the water when we got Esther again so he's stealing her from Laura)

Do you see the naked explorer in the woods?

Ready to go

Pretty fantastic day!

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