Thursday, May 16, 2013

Stories - the mouse story

Van really enjoys stories. He enjoys being read to, but he also constantly asks me to tell him stories.
Once I offered to read him a book instead, he said, "No, no, tell me a story from your mouth"

If you've ever tried to make up stories 24-7, you'll find it's really hard. Especially while concentrating on other things like driving. So they're not great stories, but I thought I'd record one here, because they are hilarious and it is a really fun thing to do with him. He often adds plot twists and usually puts himself in the story, "and then I came along, right?"

The mouse story

"Once upon a time there was a small grey mouse. He had a small quiet squeak and a long grey tail. He was very small and very grey.
One day, he decided to climb a road sign, much like that one there, (this story was created while driving home from Palmer) and he jumped off the sign with his parachute. Oh by the way, this mouse had a small parachute on his back.

Anyway he jumped off the sign and sailed lightly to the ground. it was so much fun, he decided he wanted to jump off something bigger. So he climbed up an overpass, much like that one up there, and jumped off the edge, weeeeee, gliding to the ground… until SUDDENLY he landed on top of a car and his parachute got stuck!

So now he's racing faster than he's ever gone before stuck to the top of a car! He's seeing all sorts of things he's never seen before because he usually just stayed in one place before, but now he's driving for miles and miles.
It was actually pretty fun, the wind in his hair and all.
But there was a very small rip in his parachute.
And as he rode along,
the rip got bigger.
And little by little,
it kept getting bigger,
and bigger

The mouse went careening down the highway and landed on the side of the road with only 1/2 of his parachute.

"and then I came along, right?"

Right, then Van Karns Angel comes along on his bike and scoops up the mouse. He puts him on his shoulder and they follow that car. They finally catch up to the car and Van reaches out his long arm to try and grab the parachute, he reaches but he misses and almost falls. Then he reaches his long arm out again and this time he grabs it!
They pull over to the side of the road and Van pulls out a needle and thread and fixes the mouses parachute. Then they hop on the bike again and drive really fast down the road."

The End

Other recent stories
 - The princess story
 - The mud pit story
 - The sea monster story
 - The coyote story
Then of course there are hundreds of dinosaur stories

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