Sunday, May 19, 2013

Having it all

This article is so interesting. Everyone should read it.

 Two aspects: 
 - the list on homeschooling and 
 - the insights from the stay at home dad (as an update at the bottom) 

Usually when I think about the future I am depressed. I have a job I love and pays well, but I feel like at some point in the future (especially if we want more than two kids) one of us will need to be home full time. And dutifully, to be a good mother, it should be me. And I would be willing for it to be me, maternity leave has been amazing, but if Andy would be happy doing it, I would open to it being him as well. 

It is immensely important to me that each of us to have a happy and fulfilling life that we are proud of, and I want to respect the natural gender roles in our marriage.  The discussion on this topic from this man's perspective is amazing and insightful. I always thought stay at home dad = man being miserable, marriage suffering, gender roles thrown out of whack, etc.

This article makes me believe there might be a way for us both to do what we love, be happy, and be great parents.

Also I think the discussion on homeschooling is fascinating. I never thought about homeschooling, I LOVED school. But I do think this list provides some interesting perspectives on what homeschooling could provide for your family. It's definitely different than when we were growing up and there are a lot of attractive aspects. I feel like we'll start the traditional route but I would be quick to jump ship if we run into problems with the traditional school system. Anyone else considering non-traditional schooling?

Message, call, e-mail or text me if you're interested in discussing either of these topics more, I think they're so interesting.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Vanessa!

    My five sisters and I were all homeschooled through the end of high school (well, the youngest two are in high school and grade school, respectively), and I could not have asked for a more fulfilling education! One of my favorite aspects was that I was able to be friends with all my sisters although there is a 20 year age difference between the oldest and the youngest - I know if I had gone to tradition school I wouldn't really know my younger sisters. There are also many other things I enjoyed about being home, most if not all addressed in the article you posted. God willing, my husband and I will home school our children. I think it is definitely something to consider if you and your husband agree it's a good option for your family. As far as my family goes, the four of us that are done with high school have all gone on to succeed in various fields of study: older sister is a lawyer, I have my PhD in Chemistry, our next sister is almost done with her master's degree in piano performance, and the next one just got accepted into an interior architecture program. Though we all went into different areas, we all took private music lessons and when everyone isn't crazy busy, we can all sing/play music together (and often do at our church). I would love to answer/discuss questions you have about homeschooling if you want to message me!

    Hope you and your family are doing well!
    Rebecca Carr (Younger)
