Sunday, August 4, 2013


Well it's official. It's been official for a while now I suppose, we're moving. Just within Anchorage. The funny part is that we're moving right next door to where my sister is building a house, which is right next door to where my parents live. So all three of us will live in a row.

Writing all my thoughts is getting long so I'll just make a list of the great things about it
 - ski trails around all three houses
 - cousins playing together every day
 - sharing Costco portions of vegetables
 - sharing homemade meals, no more leftovers going bad in the fridge
 - great school district
 - Svea or mom or dad can walk all the kids to the bus stop in the morning and be there when they get home from school (since I'll likely be at work still)
 - family game nights

And more I'm sure.

The downside is that we're going to have to sell our wonderful house. Andy has put so much work and artistic talent into it and the neighboorhood/culdesac was just becoming fun because Van could play with all the kids. So if you want a great house, I took a picture this morning. It looks so pretty to me, but I am biased, I've grown quite attached to it.

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