Saturday, August 31, 2013


"Ok I have a good idea, I'll turn around and show you my bottom and you say, 'Hey don't ever show me your bottom again' and then I'll show you my  bottom again. Okay?"

 - Van, explaining to me his idea of a fun game


"Awwwwwww, so cute!"

 - Van at Cristina's baby shower, as he helped her open every present


Grandma: (to grandpa who has Van on his lap) "You should run over and get Van's P R E S E N T"
Grandpa: "His what?"
Van: "My present"

Apparently Van has learned spelling.


But sometimes he's his own worst enemy.

Me: "Van! how was your day"
Van: "Well I'm really sad, my airplane broke"
(It had no wings)
Me: "Oh no!"
Van: "but look it still flies!" pulls his hand back to launch it
Me: "Wait! don't throw it!" it's not meant to fly, he just means it can still be thrown. and now it looks like a missile.
"So what happened, did the wings break off when you threw it earlier today?"
Van: "No, I just thought it might be fun without the wings on it, so I pulled them off."
Me: "well you can't be too sad about it breaking then…"

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