Thursday, June 6, 2013

Big Lake

Van, Esther and I went to Big Lake today.
We drove up to see Grandma LaRae who just got back into town. It was great. Van had so much fun playing at her house, at the park and in the water; he did not want to leave. But eventually I coaxed him and all our stuff back into the car.

They were both great on the drive up, but unfortunately Esther cried the whole ride home. We stopped every once in a while to calm her down, but as soon as we'd start driving again, she start crying again. Van started this phase when he was her age, so I was not surprised, but it will limit our adventuring for a while. He didn't stop 'screaming while driving' until I turned his carseat around. (Which happened at 8 months, for that reason)

Swimming! (or really wading)

Grandma holding Esther

Playing at the playground

family picture! 

Trying to coax Van inside for lunch. Not an easy task.

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