Sunday, December 16, 2012

Tiger Birthday Party

Today we had Van's Tiger themed third birthday party.

I think Svea has more pictures for me, so hopefully I can add more later. But here is what I have.

Here are everyone's tiger tails

Here are some decorations in the dining room.

Tiger Livia, enjoying the playhouse/slide

Tiger Lily, distributing balloons.

Reluctant tigers Elin and Solvej

Van blowing out a candle on his birthday cupcakes.

Van relaxing with some Diego after the party.

Van flying his new airplane around.

The present opening was chaotic, there was a pirate ship, a dump truck, this airplane and some nerf guns. Van calls them 'shooty things'.
For example, 'Mom can I bring my shooty things in the bathtub?'

Even though the present opening was a blur, throughout the day he spent time playing with all of his new toys individually. He said very sincerely, 'Mom, I love my new toys.'

Happy 3rd Birthday Van! We love you.

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