Saturday, December 22, 2012

30 weeks

30 weeks is a big one for a lot of reasons:
  • You can really see the difference since 28 weeks
  • This is the only week that my Christmas turtle neck is actually appropriate
  • We finally have decent snow 
  • The world did not end yesterday
  • I gave up on keeping my shirt covering my stomach you can see a little skin. Likely more to come later.
Vanessa carrying Esther, 28 to 30 weeks. 2012

Vanessa carrying Esther, 7 - 30 weeks. 2012

I didn't find much in my file on me carrying Van at 30 weeks, I think it was a small change for that pregnancy. Here's an old comparison that includes the 30 week picture though.

Vanessa carrying Van, 24 - 32 weeks. 2009

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