Friday, August 29, 2014


TBT stands for 'throw back thursday'
Every Thursday on facebook people post old pictures they have with the label TBT.

It is Friday today, but that is close enough to Thursday for me. So I am going to post these videos I've been carrying around in my inbox of Van climbing trees in Hawaii last October.

TB(F)T everyone

Saturday, August 23, 2014

Saturday afternoon

We had such a great Saturday afternoon adventure. First we fueled up on Mexican food at Taco King.

This is Esther's picture face. If you point a camera at her she'll say, 'Cheese' and smile.

And Van will do this.

Here I got us all.

Then we went to a parking lot just past Earthquake park and road our bikes in to Westchester Lagoon. It's about 2-3 miles maybe?  Flat and beautiful along the Coastal Trail.

 Here's a long series of Van biking. I just can't get enough.

We made it! First Van had to use the port-a-potty and Esther climbed a rock.

Van loves climbing.

And Esther loves climbing.

She loved this slide. She climbed up and slid down about 10 times in a row.

This is a really cool swing, luckily there was another girl there for Van to go with, you need two people and it works best if they're close to the same size.

Esther on a swing

Esther + Van on a swing


Then we were joined by some girls who were having a dinosaur birthday party. This is something fun as Van gets older, we meet so many new people.

 They were 2 and 4. Very cute. The girl played tag with Van later and he thought that was great.

Van climbing to the top of everything.


 Van being a duck.
 A duck watcher.

Esther was getting a little cranky so I put the Ergo in with her and unbuckled all the buckles to give her something to do on the bike back.

Super fast biker!

Time for post biking frozen yogurt.

Then we had to pick up lettuce at the store for dinner.

The cutest view.

Meeting MORE friends while waiting in line to check out.

And that was it! 
Home in time for dinner.