Sunday, July 7, 2013

Bad day

Well we had our first really scary experience with Van.  On the friday after 4th of July Van, Andy, Sandy and Joe had just stopped by my office. Not 40 minutes later I got a call at work that the paramedics were at my house and Van was fine but needed comforting.

I ran home and it turned out Van had found a can of bear spray and sprayed himself in the face in the cab of Andy's truck. Andy was driving at the time, they were really close to the house so Andy held his breath pulled in, grabbed Van and called the paramedics.

When I got home Van was bright red, his eyes were swollen shut and he was crying. We gave him a shower, which apparently made things burn more. I had to shower in between comforting Van and holding Esther so that I didn't transfer any of the bear spray. Anyway it was a horrible, horrible day.

Van has said some funny things about the experience. One day he told me he knew a naughty song, I asked him what it was. He sang,
"Hippopotamus, hippopotamus,
found some bear spray,
in the car,
and sprayed himself in the face."

At the playground yesterday Van met a little boy and said, "Hey, I want to tell you something. yesterday, I found some bear spray and sprayed myself in the face. It was awful."

He also apologized to Andy a few times. He said, "Daddy, I'm sorry I sprayed the bear spray"

And he would say, "You know, sometimes kids don't know about bear spray. But now I know."

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