So I sent him down this morning to get clean clothes on. And he comes upstairs (with the same dirty clothes on) carrying this and says triumphantly, "I figured it out!"
These are pieces of my molecule building kit from organic chemistry, he is pleased because he figured out how they fit together.
Then he says, "So mom, I have a question for you. I dumped these out." then he looks at me and opens his eyes really wide, bracing himself in anticipation that I might yell.
"Why don't you put them back in the box?" I say.
"No, because I want to play with them" he says.
I say, "Well if you put them back in the box and bring them upstairs, then we could build with them together."
"Yeah!" he says and runs downstairs, returning with the box of molecule parts.
I built Van a methane molecule and then he builds one too.
Building molecules with Van. I am in heaven. He loves it too but has no idea yet how nerdy we are yet. :)