Tuesday, August 23, 2016

The arrival of Baby Jon

On August 20th, 2016
Jon Steele Angel arrived.
8lbs 8oz
20 inches

Here's how it happened...
I woke up at what I'm guessing was 4:45 AM Saturday morning. Something felt strange. My pubic symphysis had been bothering me this pregnancy and I felt like something popped around there. Almost like he kicked me, but I knew his head was down so I knew that wasn't right. Or did my water break? No I checked a few times. Was I having contractions? I was hard to tell the whole thing was tight and it ached like cramps. I started to get stuff together just in case this was important and went downstairs to check the time. It was 5:05AM. I walked around trying to decide if I was in labor. Once I felt another distinct pain, I decided to call dad, just in case, to have him come over. Dr. Lindemann had said if I had 2 strong contractions I should come in. And I although what I was feeling wasn't as distinct as all the braxton-hicks contractions I had had a couple nights ago, I wanted to have it checked out. It hurt.

I started timing the pains to see how far apart they were and if they were regular. I woke up Andy about 5:15. similar, if not identical, to our conversation about Van. "It's time to go."  "go where?" 'The Hospital! come on"
I got into his truck. He told me to call the hospital but I had another contraction and couldn't talk so he had to call. We found the call later, it was 5:17.

I texted my friend Marina who was working on the slope when I found a missed text from her the night before.

Vanessa: "Heading to the hospital."
Marina: "Yay!!!"
Vanessa: "Don't tell everyone, just in case it's a false alarm"
Marina: "I won't, there's no one here to tell."

I had regular contractions all the way to the hospital. I timed them on an app on my phone, results below. The first one in the truck is #7, now that I knew these were contractions, there were a couple before that but I didn't have my phone handy right in the beginning. 3 min 46 sec. apart leaving the house. Definitely worth going to the hospital. By the time we get to the hospital though, they are about 2 minutes apart.

We get to the hospital about 5:30. Andy leaves me at the emergency room and goes to park the truck. Someone walks me to labor and delivery. I mention that I would like an epidural, just so they are ready but she tells me she's just responsible for walking me up there and can't help.

We get to labor and delivery and they ask me ridiculous questions like, 'What is my name?' 'What is my birthday?'
A really bad contraction hits (the last one I time above) and since no one but me seems to have any urgency I say something like 'Um, these are getting really close together and they are really starting to hurt." I think I cry a little.

They take me to a room but can't decide which one.
Nurse1: 'Room 4 right?'
Nurse2: 'Well I put her in room 2, but I could do room 4.'
Me (in my head): 'OH MY GOD FIGURE THIS OUT'

Nurse 2 logs me into the computer system.

Meanwhile, we walk into room 4. I am supposed to give a urine sample. I try to sit on the toilet but the contraction is so strong I cry and liquid runs down my legs. 'I can't pee, I think my water broke, I think I have to push'

I think I remember the nurse saying that my water didn't break and that he wasn't coming. Both of those things were wrong.

Andy helps me to the bed and I remember saying 'help me!' to him as a really strong contraction hits along with the urge to push. I start pushing and then the baby's head is a third of the way out. Do they call for the doctor before or after this? I was around here but obviously too late. The nurse coaches me through the rest of the pushes. Pushing really is the best part because you get to do something active against all of the pain.

He is born, the time is 5:37AM.

27 mins after I called my dad to watch the kids.
22 mins after we left the house.
20 mins after I texted my friend that I wasn't sure if this was real.
7 minutes after arriving to the hospital
2 minutes after being logged into the nurse's station.

1 comment:

  1. Oh my god Vanessa! Congratulations! I love reading your account of the day, so crazy. So happy you are all home and happy. The kids are just darling.
