Saturday, August 6, 2016

36 weeks on Flattop

I should note, these pictures are old, from 3 days before my doctors appointment. I don't have any desire to do it again before the baby, and the doctor said that was probably a good idea, given that if I went into labor at the top of the mountain, I'd be unlikely to make it back to the car, and to the hospital in time. So from now on I'm staying close to home.

BUT on Tuesday I had organized a hike for my work group. It was supposed to be a month ago, but it got postponed. Given the day started out raining, we had pretty nice weather. The sun even came out at the top.

Group picture CPF2 DPEs: Me, Sydney, Greg (the intern), Mark and our boss Liz.
Kasper and Elan couldn't make it.

36 week belly picture.

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