Tuesday, May 13, 2014

2013 Drafts Part 2

(Consolidated content of all the Draft posts I never published)

(This is from last year, in our old house)

Today we had new closets installed downstairs to put my clothes in. I had been using the downstairs bedroom as a closet, but since we moved Van into it a few months ago, I haven't had anywhere to store my clothes and they have been in the downstairs living room. I have been looking forward to these closets for a long time.

Our conversations about them today have gone like this.

Van: "Mom, these closets are for all of us"

Me: "No, these closets are only for me. These are my closets."

Van: "Mom, you have to share your closets. These closets are for everyone"

Me: "Nope, just for me."

Van: "Mom, that's what it says here on this tape. Share. You have to share mom."

Me: "No, I paid for these closets and I want them."

Van: "Mom I will share my closets with you. Mom, if you don't share you closets, you can't get a present. So what do you want, to get no present or to share your closets?"


Van is working on his set of wooden puzzles (thanks grandpa pat!). He's really good at them now so he's just chatting away as he puts the pieces together and I'm absentmindedly watching him.

Suddenly he is serious,

Van: "Mama. Did you know that sometimes mamas die?"
Me: "Oh dear"

Then he immediately relaxes,

Van: "But that only happens to other kids, not me."


Have I posted about similes yet? Hopefully this isn't a repeat, but I've noticed Van uses similes to describe things.

"That bus is as tall as a tall tree"
"that dog is black like a black bear"
"that garbage can looks like a hippo head."

Alright the last one didn't have quite the right form but it made me laugh.

Other things are "High like an airplane" or "strong like daddy"


3 years, 5 months, 23 days old.
Van snuck out of the house for the first time.

I went outside to get something from the car and found he had crawled out his ground floor bedroom window and was riding his bike on the front porch.

"I don't want to go to bed mama" he said.

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