Monday, May 13, 2013

Reindeer farm

So we went to the Williams Reindeer farm in Palmer today.

The weather looked like this

So we were the only ones there. 

First we met Denali the moose. You were aloud to pet him but Van was a little skeptical.

Next, to the reindeer
Van had fun feeding and petting all the reindeer.

Pretending he has more food so they will come closer.

Running off to join the reindeer herd.

The black dot is a baby reindeer that was born that morning! That is the exhausted mom on the right.
The babies in these pictures are 3-4 weeks old.

Van alsogot to hold baby bunnies and pet baby chicks in the farm.

Just to show that Esther was there too.

Then to finish off the trip we drove into Palmer and got ice cream cones at McDonalds.

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